Art Journal Courage | Melbourne

Last weekend I flew to Melbourne to be with some amazingly creative friends and learn a few things in person from the inimitable Dina Wakley. To say it was a dream-come-true is an understatement and I possibly got a touch of “fan girl” fever meeting Dina. When I first began art journalling nearly 10 yearsContinueContinue reading “Art Journal Courage | Melbourne”

Art Journal Warm Ups

With limited time while the boys are on holidays, I made myself work through some more exercises from Dina Wakley’s book “Art Journal Courage”. Then extending a little further and using up all the backgrounds I made with the GelliPlate. I’ve enjoyed the restricted process and am finding new ways to use different media. Oh,ContinueContinue reading “Art Journal Warm Ups”

100 Faces Challenge

I am really excited about this latest FaceBook-based challenge group called studio7ARTacademy. We are completing 100 Faces/Portraits with no deadlines, no restrictions, no other criteria. We are all inspired by Dina Wakley’s loose, painterly portraits she creates in her art journals. I’m pretty sure most of us has at least ONE of her books andContinueContinue reading “100 Faces Challenge”

Bad Mother = Good Artist

So my delightful son Rainer (who is severely Autistic and who manages to just hurt me enough so people don’t raise eyebrows LOL) took offense to my discipline methods yesterday (yes, it was yesterday – Wednesday). His regular afternoon support worker couldn’t work yesterday, so it was just me and him for a couple ofContinueContinue reading “Bad Mother = Good Artist”