Listen with your Ears

Well, that’s what my Mum always says in her somewhat confused, broken English, Italian accented, slightly lilted, way. And so I did.At my last Mt Maria Community Market (back in May…wow) I launched the prints of my delicious 20by20 series in floating frames. I was mightily proud that I’d ordered the frames, the board, theContinueContinue reading “Listen with your Ears”

GiSt Girls have a Home

Some people come into your life and they pop up later when you don’t think you need them, but you really really do. That’s what life’s like for me and Anissa, owner of We met so many years ago when we were both Scrapbookers. Anissa diverted into thread, yarn and felt, while I tookContinueContinue reading “GiSt Girls have a Home”

Footprints in the Sand

A lady approached me to create one of my 20by20 canvases, using warm colours and the popular “Footprints in the Sand” story as inspiration. (Go HERE for a full account.) While I prefer to work without boundaries, I really do love to step inside a customer’s heart and soul and bring that intention to life.ContinueContinue reading “Footprints in the Sand”

Bad Mother = Good Artist

So my delightful son Rainer (who is severely Autistic and who manages to just hurt me enough so people don’t raise eyebrows LOL) took offense to my discipline methods yesterday (yes, it was yesterday – Wednesday). His regular afternoon support worker couldn’t work yesterday, so it was just me and him for a couple ofContinueContinue reading “Bad Mother = Good Artist”

Well, What Can I Tell You?

There has been much hatching of plans and big biz dreaming happening of late. The constant pull of ideas, matching wits with domestic responsibility makes for interesting spurts of energy in the studio. I made a promise to myself a while ago that I would work in multiples, I would create for me and IContinueContinue reading “Well, What Can I Tell You?”

Artified Tags

On a wet, slightly chilly, evening I put these tags together. I used the Artified Mixed Media kit which is something that, quite frankly, just keeps on giving! After making these 2 little cuties, I’m looking in the bag and there’s heaps more left. And so, I have yet 2 more projects to share afterContinueContinue reading “Artified Tags”